Commission by Dr. Hilda M. for a new private clinic: Family Care Medical Clinic
(Website : familycare.com.my)
A cozy & contemporary clinic set within a colonial-style timber bungalow.
A unique choice; and Dr.Hilda loves nature and also the fantacy land!
It was the personality that I have reflected my creativity upon.
I was lucky to be trusted to go with my artistic flow..
then it is just natural when the images developed this way: birds collecting precious jewelleries , tree of life in a dancer's sway, decorated with ornaments and antique jewelery from India, Ireland; glass beads, sequins, glitter..silver threads; in the fantacy world floating in the cosmic sky of possibility of other worlds alike or totally different...
this is the artist's interpretation, there are all kinds of different and interesting interpretations from viewers, making it a wonderful piece to talk about!
Friends have shown interests wanting their own Tree of Life for their dream homes.
Details show birds with antique accessories from Dr. Hilda's own collection
They are like my toys in my artistic playground !.